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is the easy to use tool based on AutoCAD 2D drafting
skill so users can readily create 3D model without
much previous experience. The software is fully
supported by the ShipConstructor database which
ensures that all designers working on the 3D model
are fully aware of latest changes by each other.
Typical training time is one week for ready trained
AutoCAD workers so the software is very popular
with the average shipyard workers. All stock and
material usage are controlled by the database which
also manages user changes and product life cycle.
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船体内部构造是由Structure来作三维设计,可是用户只需有AutoCAD二维设计经验便可以利用软件。全部用户资料,包括用户名称,日期,删改次数等都是存在一个ShipConstructor的数据库里。几个操作者可以同时设计和删改船体构造,数据库自动联系各种配件及三维模型。许多常用的设计技术,都被软件完全自动化。 |
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Fully Functional Corrugated Bulkheads - Added fully
functional corrugated bulkheads for use in topsides
and accommodation spaces onboard ships and rigs;
Supports both: standard and custom corrugation types.
Intelligent Marking Lines - Intelligent marking
lines have been added to improve functionality.
It is now even easier to arrange and change markings.
Improved Quality Control Measurements - The quality
control matrix now has labels and arrows to point
to selected points, thus taking the guesswork out
of taking quality control measurements.
Center Thrown Plates - Added ability to throw to
both sides of the molded line, giving you the desired
ability to place the center keel mold line on centerline.