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Maxsurf designs are stored in an integrated database
which is accessed directly by other modules for
analysis, construction and performance prediction.
Changes made in Maxsurf will automatically flow
through when the design is opened in other modules.
Data exchange is a key requirement in the modern
design office and Maxsurf supports a wide range
of industry standard formats. Copy and paste of
numerical tables to and from Microsoft Excel allows
for custom calculations and formatting. Import and
export of industry standard DXF and IGES files,
allows you to seamlessly exchange data with other
CAD and CAM systems. |
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faster way to create your hull form correctly first
time. |
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MaxSurf 是非常容易上手的初步船体设计的软件.外型放样利用最先进的
NURBS 科技来加强设计功能. MaxSurf 也可将现有的船身图经 Prefit 直接输入到放样软件内.浮体动态设计也可由
HydroMax 非常便利地作出各种报告.全套软件也包括 HullSpeed 可作船速及推动力计算.航海性能及效率也可经由
Seakeeper 来预算 |
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provides fast, flexible and intuitive modelling of all
types of hulls, superstructures and appendages. An unlimited
number of trimmed NURB surfaces can be used to model any
vessel from yachts to workboats to the largest ships.
It can create optimised hull forms quickly, accurately
and with limited training time. Any number of NURB surfaces
can be joined, trimmed and manipulated to create a complete
model ready for hydrostatic analysis or construction detailing.
Maxsurf provides automated transformation of the hull
form to match desired dimensions and hydrostatic properties.
The easy-to-use software also provides a range of flexible
tools for evaluating curvature of the entire surface as
well as curvature along a particular surface contour such
as a waterline or diagonal. |